UPDATE: next steps on e-bike rebates!
Thanks to the 199 of you who emailed your legislators about e-bikes. We are thrilled to say that e-bike rebates were included in the House Transportation Bond Bill (Bill H.4897, “An Act relative to Massachusetts’s transportation resources and climate.”) We are much closer to making e-bike rebates a reality. Now the House and Senate need to pass a final bill by the end of July.

While we don’t have a full guarantee of e-bike rebates yet, we made an important step forward. The Massachusetts House and Senate still need to pass the final bill and negotiate any differences between their two versions. What we have ensured is that if the House and Senate pass a Transportation Bond Bill, there is a much better likelihood that it will have the e-bike rebate program included because the House took a stand for it . We still have up to one month — the final vote should happen by the end of July.
Please stay tuned for more information and next steps!