Improving the Arborway
Take Action by February 10!
Feedback is due by 2/10/22 to DCR regarding the 4 proposed alternative designs. We have discussed the proposals with residents in the area and advocacy partner organizations and come up with a list of feedback for each section of the Arborway. We are still reviewing all the details in the plans; if there is something you think we missed that should be included, contact us at Click on the button below to see our comments so far and for links to the DCR feedback pages.
About this Campaign
From Fenway to Franklin Park, there are bike paths separated from traffic all along the Emerald Necklace — except for a glaring gap between Jamaica Pond and Forest Hills. This is one of the only missing links in a low-stress route connecting people to jobs and providing access to premium green space. This stretch is also one of the highest crash corridors in Boston. In 2017 and 2018, on average there was a crash every 5 days.
Together with many residents and our partners at the Arborway Coalition, LivableStreets Alliance, WalKBoston, the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Bikes Not Bombs, MassBike, West Rox Walks, Rozzie Bikes, West Rox Bikes, JP Bikes and more, we’re advocating for the following on the Arborway:

— A new design that will reduce vehicle speeds and encourage safe driving behavior
— The addition of physically separated bike lanes or an off-road, shared-use path that links the path around Jamaica Pond to the cycletracks close to Forest Hills
— Safer crossings; crossings should be one lane or have a traffic signal, and need to be ADA accessible
— Increasing the amount of accessible green space and trees — put the PARK back in Parkway! There is no need for 8 lanes for vehicles here
— Limiting carriage roads to local traffic and bicycles, and direct through traffic into center lanes
Faces of the Arborway
We’ve heard from many people who want a safer Arborway. Read their stories below about why they support this campaign.
More Background
In the spring of 2019, we submitted a petition with 450 signatures to DCR asking the agency to start a new process to redesign the Arborway. In November 2019, DCR did just that.
For every round of public engagement we have been flyering the neighborhood, collecting feedback from road users, and sharing your experiences with DCR and elected officials. We know that a new Arborway will mean that you feel safer traveling here, that you let your children ride their bikes and cross the street, and that you more regularly access some of the most amazing green spaces the city has to offer. Your stories have shaped this project, and offer insight and inspiration for our collective organizing.
More information on the DCR website about the Arborway Parkways Improvement Project