Why Bike Lanes?

If you're curious about the many benefits of bike lanes, we've compiled a list of studies and articles to help you deepen your understanding. These resources are here for your enjoyment, but don't feel pressured to read them all—you don't need to be an expert to be a powerful advocate for bike safety and mobility justice.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and the information is presented in no particular order. Enjoy exploring!

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Research and Articles About the Benefits of Bike Lanes

Science Daily: Cycling lanes reduce fatalities for all road users, study shows

Environmental and Energy Study Institute: Better Bike Infrastructure Improves Environmental and Human Health

Forbes: Protected Bike Lanes Increase Safety, Save Money And Protect The Planet, New Report Finds

Pasadena Complete Street Coalition: Protected bike lanes are good for everyone

Federal Highway Administration: Bicycle Lane’s Safety Benefits

MIT: Uneven mobility: injustice in accessibility and urban experimentation

Business Insider
: Bike lanes are good for business

Peoples for Bikes: Study Finds Bike Lanes Can Provide Positive Economic Impact in Cities

New York City Department of Transportation: The Economic Benefits of a Sustainable Street

Cambridge Bicycle Safety
: Bike Lanes and Local Business: The Economic Impact

Portland State University: Study Finds Bike Lanes Can Provide Positive Economic Impact in Cities

Tylor & Francis Online: Economic impacts on local businesses of investments in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure: a review of the evidence

Transportation Research Journal: Bicycle Lanes and Business Success: A San Francisco Examination

Vox: Bike lanes have actually sped up car traffic in New York City

Boston.com: More Bostonians are biking as bike lanes boom, but barriers remain

LivableStreets: Not on a Shelf: Go Boston 2030 Accountability Report

StreetsBlog USA: Study: Black Cyclists Die 4.5x More Often Than White Cyclists

StreetsBlog NYC: NYPD’s Racial Bias in Ticketing Cyclists Continued Last Year

Chicago Tribune: Chicago police issued some bike tickets at higher rates in Black and Latino neighborhoods: study

We hope you find these resources insightful and empowering. Happy reading!

The BCU Team

PS: If you know of other relevant studies that should be included on this list, please share them with us via info@bostoncyclitsunion.org