Bikeways for Everybody
The state of the Longfellow Bridge: We’re making great progress!
The Longfellow Bridge has re-opened after more than five years of construction, to full beneficial use. Due to heavy campaigning by us, our partners, and YOU, the bridge is much…
Read MoreExciting Updates on the Longfellow Bridge
It’s been more than a month since you’ve received an update on the Longfellow, and a lot has happened! The Boston City Council unanimously passed a resolution last month endorsing…
Read MoreTell City Council: The Strategic Bike Network Needs More Funding!
In 2013, Boston’s Bike Network Plan called for completing 21 miles of protected bike lanes by 2018. Yet now, five years later, Boston has built barely 6 miles of that promised network. In contrast, Minneapolis built…
Read MoreThe Public Has Spoken: The Longfellow Bridge Needs Protected Bike Lanes
Protected bike lanes on the Longfellow Bridge are a no-brainer. Bikes comprise nearly half of all traffic on the bridge during the peak 8 a.m. hour. Yet without adequate infrastructure…
Read MoreLongfellow Bridge Update: 3,100 Signatures Delivered to MassDOT
Today, we moved one step closer to securing protected bike lanes on the Longfellow Bridge — and we couldn’t have done it without your help. More than 3,100 people signed…
Read MoreLongfellow Bridge Next Steps: Time for Action!
As you may have heard, the Longfellow Bridge, connecting Cambridge and Boston is scheduled to be “reopened” this May — without safe passage for people biking. You can read more…
Read MoreHelp win Protected Bike Lanes on the Longfellow Bridge!
SIGN THE PETITION! SIGN THE PETITION! You may have heard that Gov. Baker announced the Longfellow Bridge connecting Cambridge and Boston is scheduled to be reopened this May.…
Read MoreThe Top Projects to look forward to in 2018 – Part 3
This year we’ve seen some monumental changes on our streets, including the completion of projects that have been underway for years, as well as a number of pop-up projects that…
Read MoreThe Top Projects to look forward to in 2018
This year we’ve seen some monumental changes on our streets, including the completion of projects that have been underway for years, as well as a number of pop-up projects that…
Read MoreTell Brookline: Keep and improve Beacon Street's buffered bike lane!
In the Fall of 2016, after much study and discussion, the Town of Brookline removed a travel lane to pilot a buffered bike lane between Marion Street and Westbourne Terrace on…
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