Zipcar donates car time, offers discount to BCU members
Early in August we were stuck. All the cars we normally borrow to haul our tune up stands around were either taken or in the shop. So someone—let’s just say someone super-awesome who has supported us from the very beginning—got the brilliant idea to call up Zipcar.
It made good sense. Bikers like Zipcar because it gets more cars off the road. Zipcar likes bikers because just about everyone who uses a Zipcar also rides a bike.
Well, that call, as you can imagine from the headline that sucked you into this story, got results.
Zipcar stepped in lightning quick and made sure that our bike-tune up stands would continue unabated by donating some car time to the cause! Thanks to their generosity, we hustled out to East Boston on Thursday and over to Mattapan and Saturday and fixed over 50 bikes! Plus, Zipcar has agreed to back us up for the rest of our season, and possibly longer!
And if that wasn’t enough, Zipcar has also offered to give a stellar discount to anyone who joins the Boston Cyclists Union. This is the first of many benefits we are developing for our members, and it’s deal is so good that if you were already planning to join Zipcar, it just makes solid economic sense to become a member of the Union first!
Boston Cyclists Union members can join Zipcar for $25 a year instead of $75, and renew each year for $25 instead of $50. Plus, they get reduced weekday driving rates!
Here’s the nitty gritty:
Initial joining cost of:
Zipcar membership: $75
BCU membership: + Zipcar membership: $60!
You can knock that down even further by donating volunteer time to earn your BCU membership in lieu of paying dues, or get a $10 discount if you are low-income or a student.
And of course you get the added benefit of feeling great for helping us build community, advocate for a citywide bike network, and work to ensure more bike resources are poured into the City of Boston’s bike programs.
To take advantage of the discount, simply join the BCU, and then join Zipcar using this link.