We’ve won big this year — and need your help to win more

It’s been an incredible year so far for the Bike Union, with major victories stacking up all across Metro Boston. Will you help us carry that momentum on to the big fights ahead?
Community organizing is at the heart of what we do, because it’s not just about building better bike infrastructure — it’s about creating a collective vision, about feeling proud and powerful when we stand up for that vision, and about people controlling the future of their neighborhoods, their streets and their lives. As the past few months have shown, when we mobilize together — through protest rides and packed meetings — we can drive the conversation around bicycling and win important, life-saving changes to our streets.
Thanks to supporters like you, already this year we:
- Sent a powerful message to state leaders that protected bike lanes save lives when 120+ people staged two people-protected bike lanes on Fenway and Park Drive. This protest had favorable coverage from eight media outlets, shaped the narrative around bike safety, and spurred legislators and officials to take action to make DCR parkways safer and more accessible for all modes.
- Won protected bike lanes (PBLs) on both sides of the Craigie Dam Bridge, when previous plans had called for no protection despite November’s fatal bike crash in the area. Installation started this week!
- Won a commitment to parking-protected bike lanes and a road diet on Tremont St. in the South End.
- Built enough pressure that the Boston Transportation Department (BTD) only proposed a road diet and parking-protected bike lanes on Centre St. in West Roxbury, thanks in large part to grassroots organizing in tandem with the West Roxbury Bicycle Committee.
- Organized and won funding in the FY20 BTD budget for the extension of safe bike lanes down Massachusetts Ave from Roxbury to Dorchester.
- Built more leadership and engaged more people in advocacy work than ever before, including the formation of 3 new local chapters of the BCU.
Each of these victories was made possible through support from the thousands of activists and donors who are committed to a shared vision of a Metro Boston where riders of all ages and abilities have access to a safe, connected bike network.
You’ve been there with us in the streets and at public meetings And, now we are asking you to give what you can to ensure we have the resources needed to continue to win big. We cannot do it without you.
Thank you,

Becca Wolfson
Boston Cyclists Union Executive Director