Speak up for bus + bike improvements on Columbus Ave.!
Dedicated bus and bike lanes could come to Columbus Ave. — and your support can get both on the ground soon. Today, attend one of two virtual meetings with the Boston Transportation Department, and speak up in favor of 1) dedicated bus lanes, and 2) protected bike lanes between Jackson Square and Walnut Ave.!
Columbus Ave. Bus Lanes Project Public Meeting
Monday, July 20 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Columbus Ave. Bus Lanes Project Public Meeting
Monday, July 20 | 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
BTD will also host two Spanish-language meetings on Tuesday, July 21, at the same times. You can join those meetings here (noon) and here (6 p.m.)

A rendering of potential center-running bus lanes (BTD)
This project is part of the broader JP/Rox Transportation Action Plan, whose priorities include making bus service more reliable, expanding the city’s bike network, and improving pedestrian safety. Today’s meeting will focus on design options for bus-only lanes. However, BTD officials have said they may conduct a parallel process to design bike facilities on Columbus Ave. Showing up to this meeting will ensure BTD hears the demand for safe, separated bike lanes on this corridor, and that the city designs and implements both new facilities (bus and bike lanes) in tandem.
If you attend one of today’s meetings, please show support for:
- Dedicated bus lanes — BTD’s latest design (see image above) calls for center-running bus lanes, which would expedite service, minimize double parking and, by slowing car traffic, reduce reckless driving
- Protected bike lanes — As BTD kicks off the planning for potential bike infrastructure, now is a critical time to insist on protected — not painted — bike lanes
Please join us in speaking up for a multi-modal Columbus Ave. with better bus service and safer bike access along this chronically congested corridor!
For more information about this project, head here. For BTD’s most recent presentation about this project, click here.