Mass Ave in the Back Bay to get protected bike lanes thanks to your help!

On Wednesday, June 15th, over 250 people turned out to hear about important short-term safety improvements being
made to Mass Ave, and to tell the city that protected bike lanes are the only way to address the safety issues along this corridor.
Wearing yellow, the national color for Vision Zero, and holding signs that read “Save Lives, Not Parking”, resident after resident told the city how dangerous MassAve currently is, and how important it is that the city take immediate steps.
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A rendering of the proposed southbound protected bike lane. Created by Toole Design Group.

The City is listening.  In addition to protected bike lanes, their plans for an improved Mass Ave include:
  • Improved pedestrian crossings and intersection markings
  • Walk-signs that come on BEFORE cars get the green, letting more people cross the street before cars begin to turn, and
  • No Turn on Red signs at EVERY intersection, further improving pedestrian and cyclist safety
While this is a major step in the right direction, and cause to celebrate, there will continue to be work to do to improve Mass Ave.  The Bike Union will not rest until all of MassAve, from the Harvard Bridge to Columbia Road, has continuous, protected bike lanes on both sides of the street.
You can help us reach that goal, by supporting our work, and volunteering with us! It is also never a bad idea to email the Mayor and Commissioner to tell them you support protected bike lanes along the entire length of Mass Ave.
As always, we continue to be inspired by the passion and dedication of the bike community, and we cannot thank you enough for helping win protected bike lanes on Mass Ave!


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