How would you improve mobility in Allston/Brighton?
The Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) is wrapping up a draft plan about where and how to improve mobility in the Allston/Brighton area for all modes of travel. With the plan scheduled for completion next spring, don’t miss next Monday’s open house where you can review and comment on the latest recommendations.
Allston-Brighton Mobility Study: Draft Recommendations Open House
Monday, December 16 || 6-8 p.m.
Jackson Mann Gymnasium
40 Armington St., Allston

The goal of the Allston-Brighton Mobility Study is to create a “menu” of potential projects that accommodate the wave of growth and development in the area. So over the past year, the BPDA gathered feedback from the public and analyzed crash data to determine priority areas and needed improvements. (You can view the study areas and types of improvements in map form here.)
Bike facilities factor heavily into the plan’s analysis — 19 of the 26 study areas include consideration of bikes — though it’s not yet determined what improvements BPDA will ultimately suggest. By attending Monday’s open house, you can help shape the final plans to ensure they capture the concerns and goals of people who bike.
If you can’t attend Monday’s meeting, you can send feedback to, or sign up for project updates here.