How would you change Warren St. and Malcolm X Boulevard?
Over the past few months, we’ve been working with a team of Roxbury residents to gather community feedback about how to make Warren St. and Malcolm X Blvd. better for people traveling via bikes, bus and foot. If you haven’t yet filled out our survey, we want to hear from you!
Your responses will shape our goals, and be shared (anonymously) with the city to build support for achieving them. You are the experts on these streets, and we need your thoughts on what would make them better, safer and more accessible for everyone to travel there.

Boston is working on a project to improve bus service on Warren St, and to improve overall safety and comfort for all people traveling on the road. At the same time, we’ve heard concerns about speeding cars and the lack of safe places to bike on Malcolm X Blvd. Ideally, we would like to see bike/bus improvements come to Malcolm X in tandem with those on Warren St., to form a continuous network in this area and to connect to the bike lane currently being installed through Nubian Square.
The BCU is working with LivableStreets Alliance and Bikes Not Bombs to organize Bostonians to shape their streets and to advance bike, bus and pedestrian projects in response to the COVID pandemic. In 2020, Boston expedited 6.5 miles of protected bike lanes, largely downtown. Our goal is to get Boston to expand that network this year, particularly into areas that have historically lacked investment in safe, sustainable transportation.
Want to help us achieve that goal? Take our campaign survey! It takes only a few minutes.
La ciudad de Boston ha estado trabajando en un nuevo diseño para Warren Street para ayudar a los autobuses a moverse más rápido, de manera más confiable y hacer que la calle funcione de manera más segura para quienes viven y viajan por ella. Además, hemos escuchado algunas inquietudes sobre Malcolm X Boulevard y queremos saber directamente de usted cómo usa las calles ahora y cómo desea poder usarlas en el futuro. Responder a estas preguntas ayudará a la Unión Ciclista de Boston, Bikes Not Bombs y LivableStreets Alliance a elevar su voz a la ciudad de Boston para asegurarse de que USTED sea escuchado.