HarborBike–a new Union priority!

A concept for Commercial showing a pair of one-way cycletracks. HarborBike would create a two-way cycletrack on the harbor side of the street.
The Union takes its role of creating new cyclists seriously, and technically, a Union really can’t do that on its own–which is why we emphasize creating safe bike routes for families.
To this end, and thanks to the imagination and persistence of Union organizing committee member Peter Furth, we bring you: HarborBike: A proposal to create a two-way parking-separated bike lane along Atlantic, Commercial, and Causeway streets that would come within a block or two of tying the Harborwalk to the Charles River Esplanade with one family-friendly bikeway.
If we can make this happen, working alongside the Livable Streets Alliance and other organizations, it would mean that Celtics, Bruins or Circus fans could ride bikes to the Garden with the whole family almost exclusively on extra safe traffic-separated bike lanes.
Got a good line on the mayor’s office or your City Councilor? Let them know how you feel about HarborBike.
The idea is also timely. Causeway Street is currently being redesigned in preparation for a full reconstruction project, and bike lanes are in design for Atlantic and Commercial streets in a separate effort. A new bike share program is also due in Boston in 2011, which could potentially put a number of tourists and less experienced cyclists on the road.
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