Community Support for Protected Bike Lanes on Mass Ave South
We turned in this letter to Mayor Walsh and Chris Osgood on March 21, 2019, along with a petition signed by 400 people, as part of our campaign to make Mass Ave in Dorchester safer for cyclists. We are grateful to all the businesses, organizations and groups that signed on and hope you will thank them next time you talk with them!

Dear Mayor Walsh and Chief of Streets, Chris Osgood,
We are writing in support of improving Massachusetts Avenue between Melnea Cass Blvd and Edward Everett Square for people biking and walking along the corridor. We applaud you for identifying this as a Vision Zero priority corridor in Go Boston 2030 and urge you to implement safe infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians in 2019.
From the City’s own High Crash Network map, we know that this section of Massachusetts Avenue is one of the 2 roads in Boston that have the highest crash rates for all modes of transportation. Massachusetts Avenue is also a critical cross-town connector for residents from Dorchester, Mattapan, and even South Boston to reach Downtown. This section of Massachusetts Avenue deserves the same Vision Zero treatment that has been implemented on other sections in the Back Bay and South End.
According to the City of Boston 2017 bike count, 350 cyclists/day use the corridor, a 12% increase from 2016, which is sure to continue to increase with this year’s count. The current design creates unnecessary conflict for cars and pedestrians because cyclists individually choose how to navigate the lack of bike infrastructure and some take a driving lane while others use the sidewalk. Numerous people have told us that they stopped biking this corridor because of how unsafe the road is for cyclists. We support a design that encourages people of all ages and abilities to walk and bike and road design elements including protected bike lanes, signal retiming for safer crossings and more frequent pedestrian crossings. Because the Newmarket area has a high truck volume and given that the last two cyclist fatalities in Boston were crashes involving trucks, the final design here needs to create a physical separation between cyclists, vehicles and pedestrians.
Better biking and walking infrastructure will help our businesses, our residents and our community as a whole. We hope that you will work with us and the broader community on implementing protected bike lanes and other road safety measures for pedestrians and transit riders by October 2019.
Becca Wolfson, Executive Director
Boston Cyclists Union
385 Dudley St, Roxbury, 02119
Matthew Malloy, CEO and Partner
Dorchester Brewing Company
1250 Massachusetts Avenue, Dorchester, 02125
Barry Bock, CEO
Boston Health Care for the Homeless
780 Albany St
Boston, MA 02118
Jones Hill Neighborhood Association
Dorchester, MA 02125
Hermitao Rosa, Asst Director of Resident Initiatives and Community Organizing
Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation
594 Columbia Road, Dorchester, 02125
Grantley Payne, Healthy Dorchester Coordinator
Bowdoin Street Health Center
230 Bowdoin St, Dorchester, 02122
Noah De Amor, Owner
Sip & Spoke Bike Kitchen
611 Columbia Road, Dorchester, 02125
The Rev. Edwin Daniel Johnson, Rector
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
14 Cushing Ave. Dorchester, 02125
Lor Holmes, General Manager
CERO Cooperative Inc.
Magazine Street, Roxbury 02119
Sydney Durand, Massachusetts Director of Programs
The Phoenix
54 Newmarket Square, Boston, 02118
Nick Bancroft, General Manager
Boston Pedicab
105 W. Newton Street, Boston MA 02118
Andrew Schroeder
Dorchester, MA
Sofia Chandler-Freed, Clerk
Boston Bicycle Messenger Association
Michelle Moon, Fairmont Greenway Project Manager
Fairmont Greenway Task Force
Stacy Thompson, Executive Director
LivableStreets Alliance
Galen Mook, Executive Director
Mass Bike
Colleen Dunning, Board Member
Leonardo Toma, Chair
Town of Milton Bicycle Advisory Committee
525 Canton Avenue, Milton MA 02186
Irene Lutts, President
Quincy, MA 02122