Cambridge Shared Streets Feedback Deadline: THIS FRIDAY

Cambridge is accepting feedback through this Friday, July 17, on the first phase of its “Shared Streets” response to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can comment in as little as one minute via the city’s form here.
Speak up now in favor of more changes that will help people safely get where they need to go!
In addition to that form, you can pinpoint suggestions for future Shared Streets projects on this map.
Or, if you’ve already submitted comments via those methods, email and with a brief note of support, too.
For more information, see the action alert below from our friends at Cambridge Bicycle Safety.
Last month Cambridge implemented phase 1 of their shared streets program covering Garden St, Magazine St, and a part of Harvard St. If you haven’t tried out any of these shared streets yet, now is your chance!
The City is accepting feedback on their form until this Friday, July 17. Note that the form includes a question on how you feel about shared streets, so please fill out the form even if you otherwise have no specific comments. Your feedback will help determine what streets are in the next phase of shared streets, what the implementation looks like, and how ambitious it is.
The more positive feedback the City receives, the easier it is for them to justify a more ambitious implementation in the next phase. If you have a comment on a particular location, they are also accepting comments via map.
Shared streets use signs and other materials to create pinch points on the street, aiming to force vehicles to slow down. The intent is also to make it inconvenient to drive long distances down these streets, discouraging their use for cut-through traffic, and making them safer and more comfortable for people walking and biking. It is counter-intuitive but the more a shared street inconveniences driving, the more effective it will be at reducing and slowing down traffic, and the more residents will see the benefits.