Boston Bike Story: Vincent

Vincent, from Roslindale

When did you start biking, and why do you still ride?

I learned how to ride a bike when I was little. I ride my bike now because it’s the best way to get to work in Downtown. Before, I tried to get to work in my car, but all that gave me was trouble. Taking your car to Downtown, I’ve been towed, ticketed, had problems with parking. Then there’s the MBTA — very unreliable. There’s delayed trips, fare increases, plus in general bad conditions.

What do you find rewarding about biking?

I was able to buy this e-bike from someone for less than $600. It was amazing. Now, I still do commute using all modes, but biking is most rewarding. It’s the most efficient way to travel in the city. Plus it keeps me fit and healthy. 

What are some improvements you’d like to see to biking in Boston?

I would like Boston to have more bike lanes away from vehicles, and bike signal lights. It will make it safer for everyone.