Boston Bike Story: Jamilah

How did you start biking?
I was able to ride a bike at 4 years old. My dad taught me. Now, I mostly find myself biking recreationally. I just feel if I commute to work on a bike I might be late.
Do you see any changes lately with biking in the city?
There are more bike lanes, and a little visible bike network. As Boston gets overpopulated and traffic is getting worse, more [people] might start biking.
What would make biking better in Boston?
Boston should have more bike resources presented to every community, and anyone should be able to find local bike shops and services. Have the city promote more people to get on bikes. One big thing is to have the city push companies and businesses to persuade their employees to bike to work more by offering perks.
Boston does not have the right and safest infrastructure. How they plan out the infrastructure in Boston, people walking and biking were not in mind. There need to improvements in lighting and traffic calming. More flashing speed radar signs can help with speed. Making crosswalks and turns more visible will make streets safer.
What is one tip you will give to a cyclist new to the city?
One tip I will give to others is to start biking on routes to get familiar with them. Streets are way too dangerous personally.
—Jamilah, Dorchester