A pivotal moment for biking in Boston

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to unfold, it’s becoming increasingly clear that this is a critical time for biking in Boston — and for the Boston Cyclists Union as an organization. So as we join organizations around the world in participating in today’s #GivingTuesdayNow, we’re asking you to support our work to make Boston a safer, greener and better place to live and bike.

The coronavirus crisis has highlighted the link between environmental justice and transportation justice, and underscored the need for urgent action. More people are beginning to bike, either for social distancing or from economic hardship. In tandem, fears of COVID-19 are suppressing transit ridership, and will unfortunately continue to do so well into the future. Meanwhile, even though people are driving less, the rate of fatal crashes is rising statewide. Our cities can either take steps now to encourage more people to walk and bike, or risk backsliding into car culture, congestion and increased levels of emissions. 

We have a huge opportunity right now to reshape how people move around Greater Boston — but we need your support to achieve that goal.

May is traditionally Bike Month, one of our busiest and most exciting times of the year. Although many of our planned events and programs are on hold, we’re still here, working hard every day on your behalf. Among other things, we’ve been:

  • Advocating to reallocate space on streets so people can safely commute, access essential services and get outside 
  • Organizing BCU members to secure an increase (to $2.6 million) in Boston’s budget for bike lanes, alongside commitments to specific projects and programs
  • Preparing to launch (very soon!) a $5 Bluebikes pass program for individuals with limited incomes and people working in essential jobs
  • Preparing to launch our annual free bike repair program, Bike to Market

We have always been proud to say that the majority of our funding comes from individual donations from people like you.  So please, if you have the means to support us at this time, give what you can. We’re a small organization; even $5 helps.

We can’t do this work without you. With your help, we hope to emerge from this crisis with a strong foundation, and to continue working with you to transform our home into the best place in America to ride a bike.

From all of us at the Boston Cyclists Union: Thank you, stay safe, and take care.


#GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of charity created in response to the unprecedented nature of coronavirus. It grew from the annual Giving Tuesday event, held after Black Friday to promote charity over commercialism.