Latest Past Events

BAMS Festival Ride

Franklin Park Playstead

Come through for a bike meet-up and tour as a part of BAMS Festival! Put on by the BAMS Fest Organizing Committee and Peace Peloton.

The Engine Inside – Film Screening

Brattle Theater 40 Brattle St, Cambridge

The new documentary feature film, "The Engine Inside" tells the stories of six everyday people from all over the globe, who reveal the unique power of the bicycle to change lives and build a better world. Through each character’s story, the film uncovers the often-overlooked potential of this 200-year-old machine, exploring its impact on a…

BCU Activist Group Meeting


Monthly meeting to discuss and develop organizing strategy for our city-wide campaigns. If you want to attend, please email Alex at ***In line with last month, we will meet virtually for 1.5 hours from 7-8:30pm. An agenda and zoom link will be shared out on Monday.