Boston Bikes featured on

New York City’s Clarence Eckerson Jr. was up in Boston for Bike Week and shot this nice bit on Boston’s progress so far. Nice to see our city featured as an example of better biking isn’t it? Here’s to many many more!

A lot of the folks hanging out with Nicole in this short are some of the best bike coordinators in the country—Roger Geller from Portland, Jon Orcutt from New York City, and Tim Papandreou from San Francisco. They were in town promoting NACTO’s Cities for Cycling effort, which is one of the coolest things going right now. Essentially, progressive cities are getting together to create their own standards for road design that accommodates cyclists. This will be a huge help in Boston, allowing the city to lean on the experience of other American bergs instead of creating everything from scratch.

Another quick interesting fact: All of these fellows have big staffs behind them, over 10 folks in San Francisco, for instance, are completely dedicated to making the city better for cyclists.

Nicole, however, is the only full timer on Boston’s city payroll whose job is 100% bikes. Next time any of you runs into Mayor Menino, please ask him a friendly question: When we hiring number two Mr. Mayor? It’s time we gave Nicole some help!

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